Left a Beautiful Mark In The Wonderful Sands of Maldives.. BY TREE PLANTING!


It feels good to be back in the digital world!

I know, it's been ages since I last posted on my blog. So thank you, readers for patiently waiting for me. Just so you know, I'm starting a new life here in the beautiful island of Maldives with everything NEW! New career, new people, new places, new culture, new food, new friends, and new (boy) friend LOL KIDDING! *Ehem, priorities first. Happy being single now, if you're curious!*

In celebration of my third month (actually) in a moment when I find lucky in this unique, leap date this February 29, 2020, I planted a tree to leave a beautiful mark in the wonderful sands of Maldives. Let's celebrate this milestone to new beginnings!

I never thought I'll be going here to work, travel at least could. Words are not enough to express how amazing Maldives is in every aspect. I'll let you know later on on my future posts. But really, I'm thankful for my good friend to have crossed my path to come here after a life-changing journey. As the saying goes, "Everything happens for a reason". Spreading love from Maldives to yours!

I didn't just want to make a difference in personal, professional and passion in life. I want to make a difference with the people and place around me. That's how I care for the society. 

So here I go with a 6-month Coconut Tree with me! Bringing life to a living thing costs a lifetime. With the destruction of forests into building infrastructures and businesses around the world, we forgot to save our nature. We forgot that there are living things who depend their lives in nature. We forgot about our 'future', by doing the things we want 'now'. So the question is, did we forgot or did we not care? Your call.

  • Play a significant part in life by giving a calm, peaceful atmosphere
  • Serve as a renewable energy source for daily living and other needs
  • Neighborhoods with trees purify air quality by filling harmful pollutants
  • Contribute to saving water as they serve as a shade to evaporate water slowly from vegetation
  • In urban places, they reduce the amount of sunlight such as buildings and open lots
  • Lesser risk to the effects of storms/floods as they reduce erosion in our waterways
  • Protecting wildlife habitat as they provide food and serve as a shelter for animals

It takes 1 year to grow a coconut into a flower. When it has grown into its matured form, plants will be grown around. Once it becomes a tree, it will start to produce its own fruits within the next 6-10 years. 

We're too focused on focusing on ourselves that we forgot to care about our nature. Let's make a difference in creating a small action with BIG IMPACT by sustaining a natural, healthy environment! Dare, because we care. #treeplanting

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