It's Raining Paws and Claws At Pet Express Doggie Run 2019

Pet Express Doggie Run was held at Mall of Asia Grounds on March 16, 2019 as dogs and their owners gathered to run for a cause. A cause to donate funds to Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).

There were 2 race kits open on all Pet Express shops nationwide: P650 for the dog and human race kit (includes Race Bib with RFID, Event Running Shirt, Doggie Race Bib, Doggie Finisher Loot Bag, Doggie Finisher Medal, Human Finisher Lootbag, Insurance Coverage, and PAWS donation). And P500 for the human race kit (includes Race Bib, Event Running Shirt, Human Finisher Loot Bag, and PAWS donation).

I bought 2 tickets (P650 each) for the dog and human race kit, but it turned out the experience was not as valuable as the price because of the unfortunate weather. :( I registered my dog for a 5K run. We went there earlier than the scheduled 5:30AM run but it was literally raining for hours! Sad news for the dogs and owners, we waited under the roofs of nearby shops until the rain stopped at around 7:00AM. 

20-25% of the registered population joined the race even the rain hit hard. Sad that we didn't get to participate cause we don't want our dogs to have an expected fever (plus Show the Shih Tzu hates water).

As the rain dried out, we managed to hop in the booths and participated in line for the freebies! This activity switched our mood to a lighter calm. Everyone, even those who didn't run, was able to claim their KM medals, Pet Express and Toy Kingdom tote bags! 

See how happy I was, and Shadow?? Lol

Then since every dog was walking, I let Shadow walk too even when he looked like a dirty rag, mopping the public ground. I mean, a cute little dirty rag right? (No worries, he took a shower at home after the event!) 

Just a reminder, refrain your dogs from inducing dirt that may cause harm to their health. Always keep them clean and healthy. A regular check-up is a big help!

We didn't get to redeem all the freebies on every booth as the line was long in cue. Some took 10-30 minutes before you can get them. But we still enjoyed the walk and Shadow did mingle with other Fur babies.

And.. here it is! A bunch of all the dog giveaways we had from the tote bags and exclusive giveaways. 

We received branded dog foods, treats, vitamins, bath essentials, leash, toys, hair clips, towels, calendar and even for puppies! With an added drinks for us owners, and Nips chocolates. 

What I liked most was the bond we all had during the event, and the same initiative to help PAWS. Thank you so much, Pet Express! Glad we have donated the funds to their helping foundation and they helped us too by giving the best they can despite the gloomy weather.

Don't fret, there's more! More years and walks with your dogs to come. Stay tuned for next year's event! Let's hope that the rain will go away. #doggierun2019

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