Lovin' The Disney Collection of Colourpop Cosmetics

Just when I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a princess. Now that I'm a young adult, the princess is still in me cause I am so lovin the new princess shades on ColourPop Cosmetics. 

ColourPop Cosmetics Disney Collection just made my heart melt! Make-ups are next to diamonds as girl’s best friend. Slayin’ the princess vibe whenever I wear the shades of Cinderella and Ariel Creme Lux Lipstick worth $8.00 eachSince I'm staying in the Philippines and products are covered only in the US, you could actually order these items on their website with a free global shipping over $50. 

But what I did was I get these faves ordered from a friend re-seller cause the display cost is cheaper than buying in an online shopping app.  I was almost an impulsive buyer when I realized I could have these ordered by my relatives in the States at an original price actually. Lol but these are my beauty goodies! 

I am very picky when choosing make-ups because not all products are feasible to our skin type. So, since we ordered these online during its new launch, I was so excited to try these! And btw, they met my expectation! No joke, this is not a sponsored post. Their packaging is is lifelike, displaying the Princess design as we bring this beauty vibe every day. The lipstick cover itself is filled with golden bronze that marks all the names of the princesses on it! Like they're all present on the lipstick. 

Made me feel like one of them when using the pink Cinderella shade. I'd love to use this on special events, occasions and meetings to spice up the sassy mood! A highly recommended affordable brand that beats the luxury of a princess.

What are you waiting for, princess? Shop at Colourpop now! Visit their website at https://colourpop.com#colourpop#colourpopcosmetics #colourpopme


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